Posts in Goal Planning
Goals and Resolutions: Creating A Plan to Actually Make Shit Happen

I mean you are making monetary goals and every other goal you can think of, telling yourself you are going to start working towards them come Jan 1 because you feel hope and a sense of urgency, but then you feel overwhelmed and done. You started with desire, hope, and happiness, and now you're feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, and overworked. So, let's talk about how you stay on track with your 2020 goals.

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AnnodRight Offerings: The Secret is Out, You're the Connection

My products connect because of YOU!  You are the common denominator, you are the one that goes through your life in your body, you're the one who makes or doesn't make your goals, and you're the one who teaches or doesn't teach your offspring, nephews, or nieces about sex. Each of my offerings help you to live your most free and authentic life in every area, as a sexual being, as a woman, and as a parent!

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New Year, Same You: How 'bout those GOALS?

They say “time flies!” Living your life is both the slowest and the fastest thing you will probably ever do. Everyday brings a new challenge to overcome, and every year can bring a new theme. This year, I know I am about letting go of my fears and embracing my destiny. I know I am destined for greatness-- that may sound pretentious, because we all think we are great, but my greatness is planned out. My greatness is in goals, and my greatness will be in my follow through…

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